As far as Wally is concerned, one thing is certain; Hillary
Clinton will never sit for an interview for his blog. And it’s not his fair, bold and keen
questioning that she fears so much as the fact, that even on a good day, Weird Wally’s Worldview may
score only a handful of readers. He also
realizes that the mere title of his blog may be a bit off-putting to some
For now, at least, Wally is a Hillary fan and thinks she is
kicking ass responding to the Benghazi bullshit put out by the
Republicans. On the other hand, Wally doesn’t
really give a fuck about the Benghazi distraction and instead, would ask about Glass-Steigall,
Trade Agreements and the current negations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). “Fuck a bunch of Benghazis!” he is rumored to
have said.
Glass-Steigall: Also known as The Banking Act of 1933, prevented
commercial banks from acting like casinos and risking their clients’ money on
risky and opaque investments. This regulation, according to the New York
Times was, “enacted as an emergency response to the failure of nearly 5,000 banks
during the Great Depression.” In 1999
Glass-Steigall was repealed and then President Clinton, was a champion for that
bit of banking deregulation. In
April, 2010, the former president admitted he was wrong and made a public
apology for his previous stance.
WW: Madam Secretary,
President Clinton was a major player in watering down regulations for Wall Street and banks. Giving the current situation on
both Wall Street and the banking industry, would you be in favor of changing
monetary policy and banking rules under which these institutions operate?
In Wally’s mind, at least, that would be a good question to
ask a possible future president. But
what about those fast
track Free Trade Agreements?
WW: During the
Clinton Presidency, Free Trade Agreements seem to have flourished. In retrospect it may have caused massive job
losses in this country as well as making sovereign nations subject to laws
imposed by multinational corporations, via the World
Trade Organization (WTO)?
Although this isn’t meant to be a trick question, Wally is
very aware that President Clinton was a big fan of these agreements. But it was George H.W. Bush who actually started
the ball rolling. However, the 500 pound gorilla in the room
right now is, The Trans-Pacific Partnership, and Weird Wally wants to know, what's up with that?
WW: Many feel that
the super-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership currently being negotiated will
outsource more American middle-class jobs and even make us even more subject to
laws imposed by the WTO. Do you think
this partnership is a good idea?
Who knows, maybe these kinds of questions will come
later. Meanwhile, we must be content
with Republican distractions until they realize that we are a lot smarter then
they think we are.
And remember, Weird Wally Sez: Fuck a bunch of Benghazis!
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