A fresh way of looking at the world. Original content by Weird Wally and friends. If it's news, it's news to us, and we're on it. And if the answers are unknowable, we’ll make something up. Contact us: zendance@aol.com
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Halloween
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Note to Democrats: What Goes Around Comes Around.
“If you’re a Democrat running for office and trying to
figure out what Republicans are up to,” Wally suggested in a recent tweet, “you
might give a listen to Undecided, an old
Ella Fitzgerald song from back in the late 30s.” And if the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished,”
has any truth, according to Wally, “Democrats
are being both screwed and betrayed.”
As part of their Ryan budget, Republicans are in favor of
cutting the social safety-net, and Social Security benefits are at the top of
their list. But if you watch their
latest television ads, you’ll surely believe that it’s the Democrats who are
out to screw over your grandmother and other seniors. Take this ad, for instance, put out by Georgia
Republicans saying that Rep. John Barrow wants to cut Social Security
benefits and raise the retirement age to 69.
Another ad, put out by
Karl Rove’s Cross Roads GPS accuses Kay Hagen (D), Arkansas of also wanting to
cut benefits and raise the retirement age.
There are also a ton of other Republican ads accusing Democrats of
wanting to do-away with mortgage deductions and other middleclass tax relief as
well. Meanwhile, Lori
Montgomery’s article in The Washington Post, goes into this Republican
flip-flop quite well and it is worth a read.
What Republicans say and what Republicans do are two very
different things. Back in the day when everyone
was talking deficit, the Ryan Budget favored the slashing and eventual privatizing
of Social Security. And the free market
was their answer.
Now, with the election only days away, the GOP still wants to
cut and eventually privatize Social Security.
But you’d never know it if you only pay attention to their ads. They’re trying to come off as champions of
seniors and the middleclass, but they aren’t.
Worse yet, they are not even being honest about their beliefs on abortion and contraception.
Meanwhile, Wally wonders what’s
up with Colorado’s candidate for U.S. Senate, Cory Gardner. Although he is sponsoring the personhood bill, the Life at Conception Act, Gardner denies that he is totally against birth control
and shamelessly pro-life. But that’s
a story for another time.
Monday, October 27, 2014
What If Republicans Take Control?

“I’m starting to think that they’re just smarter than us,”
said another. “After the way she dissed
Obama, I know a lot of my sisters and brothers back home won’t come out for Ms.
Allison Lundergan Grimes, the bitch.” Update, Kentucky’s two largest newspapers have recently
endorsed Ms. Grimes, but that may not be enough.
Then there was the Bruce Braley campaign in Iowa. If nothing else, they all agreed, you don’t
tell folks in Iowa that they’re not capable of understanding something because
they’re just farmers and not attorneys. “And
what’s up with Massachusetts Democrats and Martha Coakley,” Wally asked. “She can’t relate yet they keep running her
for office. Shit, she was the one who
created Scott Brown, the asshole.”
But all agreed, bad times are ahead for Democrats and others
of the 99%. And although, if Republicans win, they will not have the 60 votes needed for a veto proof congress, but between the House and the Senate, they
can create a lot of havoc and stalemates.
And the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare,
will constantly be under attack in hopes of an eventual kill. Consumer Protection, financial regulation and
oversight, environmental protection, voting rights and that all makes this
country what it is, will likely be diminished, if not totally taken out.
Meanwhile, every crazy idea that the Republican House tried
to pass, might eventually pass the Senate, causing a Presidential veto and once
again, there will be obstruction and blame.
“Only this time,” said Wally, “we’ll all be watching. And better yet, we’ll know who all the
players are and which team the're playing for. Just in time for 2016”
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Louie Gohmert Page(s)
The initial plan was to include an “Asshole of the Day”
page, but during a recent editorial meeting, Wally pointed out that there were
enough Asshole of the Day blogs already on the internet. “Besides.” he said, “That means someone would
have to find and post a different asshole every day and since that someone
would likely be me, I have a better idea.”
Thus, “The Louie Gohmert Page” was born. After all, a man of his limited stature and
lack of scruples deserves his own special page on Weird Wally’s Worldview. “And if there’s one thing you can count on,
Louie Gohmert is gonna be an asshole at least once a day, every day,” Wally
exclaimed. “So here’s how we do this…”
1. The Louie Gohmert Page will be open to public
submissions. Like much of what
Mr. Gohmert says, submissions need not have any bases in fact, can be totally made-up
and sound as silly as duckshit. As a
matter of fact, the more bizarre, the better.
here for a perfect example. Although
this example is true, your submission doesn’t have to be. Either way is fine with us.
2. Like Louie Gohmert, we have no rules
governing what appears on this page or its links.
3. If your submission has any bases in
fact, we need to know. Our
readers might want to follow-up.
Please send all submissions to zendance@aol.com
Meanwhile, our first post for the
Louie Gohmert Page pretty much speaks for itself. Kind of like words from the asshole’s
mouth. Can you top it? Text, images, and videos are all welcome!
Go to Page 1 of the Louie Gohmert Pages
Economic Inequality: How it Got Here and How It Works.
If you believe people like the Koch brothers are here to help you, then you're really fucking stupid!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Christie wants GOP to “control voting mechanism.”
Chris Christie is a pretty scary, but what’s making Wally
really paranoid is that Christie is telling us something we really need to
hear. But as usual, neither Democrats,
progressives nor liberals are paying attention.
“While we’re busy counting senate seats,” Wally said, “the Republicans
are trying to grab state governorships.”
theory behind this GOP move to grab voting mechanisms in as many states as
possible is to snatch away the voting rights of as many non-Republicans as
possible. And that is another thing
Wally says is driving him crazy. “Democrats
are already strategizing for 2016 and they ain’t even done with 2014.” Meanwhile, if Christie has his way, only
white Republicans will still have the right to vote by then.
Seems as if the Democratic Party leadership has its head up
its ass. In 2008, they ignored state
elections, according to Wally. “And as a
result we now have a gerrymandered congress that’s going to stay in Republican
hands for decades.”
At a recent Chamber of Commerce event in Washington,
Christie asked a series of questions: “Would
you rather have Rick Scott in Florida overseeing the voting mechanism, or
Charlie Christ? Would you rather have
Scott Walker in Wisconsin overseeing the voting mechanism, or would you rather
have Mary Burke? Who would you rather
have in Ohio, John Kasich, or Ed FitzGerald?”
It’s all pretty obvious to Wally. “When an Italian-American with a Jersey
accent tells you that he’s coming to get you, you’d best listen-up and choose a
weapon, fast,” he said. “And in this
case, an ounce of 2014 may just be worth a pound of 2016. Or better yet, a bird in the hand is worth two
in the bush."
Friday, October 17, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Is Louie Gohmert (R-TX) a Total Clown?
Wally’s philosophy is, “If he looks like a clown, walks like a clown and talks like a clown, then he’s a total clown.” More to the point, how does a total clown actually get to be a congressperson? “The fact that he represents a district in Texas,” Wally said, “pretty much answers that question.”
But there is something about a silly little man making silly little statements and being taken seriously that Wally finds highly annoying and he said, “The man gets on my last reserve nerve and then some.”
Now Gohmert is saying that the nurses infected with Ebola are part of the "Democrats war on women..."
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Sequesters and Budget Cuts. And We Eventually Learn that We Get What We Pay For.
Of late, Wally’s been mystified about how we American
citizens can demand that our government do so more with a heck-of-a-lot-less less. “It worked for a while,” he recently
said. “But now we’re seeing the actual
costs.” Although it was fun to cut
taxes, increase loopholes for the top 2% while cutting spending for programs aimed at
poor and middle class citizens, most of the rest of us got no benefit and
mostly pain from the sequestration and budget cuts. The Koch brothers and other
billionaires, meanwhile, made out like the bandits that they are.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for instance,
its budget cut nearly $600 million since 2010. In addition, the
National Institute of health has had its budget cut nearly $1 billion. Back in 2010, some conservatives were
screaming about a high deficit and insisting on cutting government while
slashing taxes for the top 2% or, as they like to say, “The job creators.”
And now that the Ebola shit is about to hit the fan,
deficits don’t seem all that important. But
Wally remembers what happened with Veterans Affairs back in May and “the same
exact principles apply with this mess,” he said.
Wally’s been watching as Ebola has played out in the
media. “I’m confused,” he said. “There are so many spokespeople, all
contradicting each other. In the old
days, we would have had a single person telling us everything we needed to
know, and that would have been the Surgeon General. But
thanks to the National Rifle Association (NRA), we don’t have a Surgeon General. Not only would the SG be the face health
and safety, this person would also help set medical policy during this
emergency and perhaps, most of the many mistakes that were made, would have
been prevented from the get-go.
Fun with FoxNews: First, Fox News smears theSurgeon General nominee for saying that guns were a public health issue and then smears Obama for not having a Surgeon General.
Actually, Republicans are doing something very similar. First they refuse to confirm the nominee for
SG, then complain about the fact that Obama does not have a Surgeon
General. Neat trick
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Who is the Goddess Isis? Not the Army of ISIS
In the typical form of her
myth, Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of
the Earth, and Nut, goddess of the Sky, and she was born on the
fourth intercalary day. She married her brother, Osiris, and she conceived
Horus with him. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection
of Osiris when he was murdered by Set.
Isis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is what you’re likely to get if you do a google search
on “who is the goddess Isis,” but first things first. The goddess Isis has absolutely no connection
with the Islamic State: IS, ISIS or ISIL.
A lot of decent business are named after the goddess, many of them
metaphysical and some, specifically for women.
Having always thought that people who used abbreviations like ISIL or IS were
snobs, Wally used to cringe whenever he heard someone use the them. “Why don’t they just say ISIS and do without
the uppity attitude,” he'd often ask?
Recently, however, even Wally refers to the unholy warriors
as IS. The way he explains his linguistic
conversion is, “I do it out of respect for a very old goddess and way of
worshipping, as well as for modern
business who have taken on that once sacred name.”
And when it comes to his choice of IS instead of ISIS,
Wally finds himself agreeing with, at least, one aspect of the way in which the
Obama Administration is dealing with the so-called Islamic State, albeit for
different reasons.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
42 Senators You Need to Know About!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Where’s Wally?
No one has seen him in almost a week and unfounded
speculation is running rampant. The Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the
Denver Field Office is insisting that Wally has run off to a foreign country in
order to engage in “some kind of weird version of jihad,” Mr. Ravenelle is
rumored to have said. Detectives
assigned to Denver’s police intelligence unit, however, dispute the feds’ assumption. “Since Wally doesn’t believe in much of
anything,” said one Denver detective, “he cannot possibly engage in any kind of
Meanwhile, a CIA contract employee in North Kora reports
that both Wally and Dennis Rodman are secretly vacationing in North Korea and
partying-it-up with Kim Jong-Un.
Although unable to confirm Wally’s current whereabouts, the
CIA Station Chief in South Kora made unofficial note that both Weird Wally and
Kim Jong-Un are missing at the same time.
Additionally, the station chief
also noted that he has no interest in the current whereabouts of one Dennis Rodman.
Update: Late Friday
afternoon Wally is rumored to have tweeted, “#UniteBlue My Colorado friends,
Vote No on 68 and Yes
on 105."
Sunday, October 05, 2014
What Will SCOTUS Pull Out Of Its Ass This Time?
For most of his life, Wally paid minimal attention to the
Supreme Court. After all, they were just
a bunch of trusted old men and woman who always did the right thing. “That’s what I learned in high school and
until recently,” he said, “had no reason to doubt it.”
But Wally realizes how different things are now. Although appointed by politicians, the
justices were above politics and held those lofty positions because of their character
and integrity. “But lie down with dogs,
you get up with fleas,” Wally said in a recent tweet.
he is not alone, recent polls are showing that the decisions of SCOTUS are
turning people off, big time. Because of four prosperous old white men and
one crazy black man, according to Wally, those of us who aren’t in the top 98
percent income bracket are going to get screwed.
to Gallup, people started losing faith in the Supreme Court back in 2000, with
their 5-4 decision to hand the presidency to George W. Bush. And how they managed to declare that corporations are people is still a mystery.
Right now, the Court has already gutted the Voting RightsAct and will likely inflict more damage this session. It is also looking to inflict damage to Fair
Housing, Environmental Protection Agency, birth control, financial regulation,
consumer protection and so much more. Worse
yet, they may succeed in gutting Obamacare, a Republican’s wet dream.
is among many in his opinion that SCOTUS Justices are no better than
politicians and term limits for them is a good idea. Just watch and see as the US Supreme Court
takes us back to the fabulous 1950s in full black and white with analog sound.
Friday, October 03, 2014
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
What Does the GOP Think is Their Biggest Idea for 21st Century America?
During a recent oral argument before the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit regarding North Carolina’s latest attempt to keep
blacks and other potential Democrats from voting, Judge James A Wynn, the only
member of the four judge panel who actually lives in North Carolina, asked, “Why
does the state of North Carolina not want people to vote?”
The best answer to that question came from Dr. William
Barber, who is president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP and
organizer of the Moral Mondays protests, when he speculated that the GOP "must think we’re
pretty powerful to go through all that trouble just to keep us from voting."
Meanwhile, upon hearing the decision, Wally Tweeted out, “So
many states, so little time. So VOTE LAMF!”
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