A fresh way of looking at the world. Original content by Weird Wally and friends. If it's news, it's news to us, and we're on it. And if the answers are unknowable, we’ll make something up. Contact us: zendance@aol.com
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A powerful nation refuses empathy
and the antidote is lost
secreted away by the devils of dogma
for the religions of our choice.
Have a nice day...
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
And he lives simply so that others might simply live.
But despite WW’s lack of tracks on this planet, Bush and his Texas Oil friends have big feet and will leave big prints and the small prints that us minimalists leave will soon be over-stepped and forgotten.
And who is it that once said that, “size doesn’t matter?”
Please consider the possibility that this person was weighing apples against oranges...
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Weird Wally’s Litmus Test for Religions of the World
Weird Wally believes the religions of the world that are closest to the truth inspire wonder, awe and love of diversity.
Meanwhile, WW firmly believes that religions that can only inspire dogma, fear, intolerance and rage, are way the fuck off course and, something is wrong!
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Saturday, August 18, 2007
What do you think?
Hillbilly Hermit Sez:
by Hillbilly Hermit
"During the Reagan/first-bush era, we had the half-trillion $$ bank
robbery, also known as the Savings and Loan Scandal. Coincidentally, a
close friend of the Bush Senior prez. was a primary figure.
"Now, we watch as the whole world is shaken by the current scandal--
namely, "sub-prime" loans. And this time, it's not measured in
billions, but probably, trillions of $$
"And there's another difference. This time, they're not just stealing
the money from us, they are stealing our homes.
"But then, during the first bush scandal, Hillbilly Hermit noted that
those who got burned worst were those who tried to get something for
nothing by investing in unsafe/insecure S&Ls.
"And this time, it seems that the "victims" were also trying to get
something for nothing-- by getting unsafe/insecure, "equity loans" on
their homes-- ie; spending their futures.
"Of course, the real question is whether America and the world can
survive this one."
Hillbilly Hermit
Friday, August 17, 2007
Recently, we’ve heard Gonzo talk about the “Gang of Eight,” who went to a hospital in order to intimidate John Aschroft into signing a document which he wanted nothing to do with.
And just last week, there were other members of a different gang of lawmakers who were briefed in secret about the progress or, lack of progress, in Iran and Homeland Security, who referred to themselves a different "Gang of Eight."
But between Halliburton, Black Water Security and the U.S. Military, turf will need to be defined, boundaries drawn and limits set.
Is Weird Wally the only person in the world who gets nervous when members of the government/administration, start describing themselves as part of a gang?
WW once thought that only the Bloods, Crypts, Chinese and, Drug Lords from Cuba and Columbia did that kind of shit.
But, then again, maybe a mid-east war over oil might bring in a lot more money then drugs.
Meanwhile, more beer here and, what’s Paris Hilton up to, anyway?
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
When was the last time you had a COLA in your paycheck?
When did you last a get a substantial raise from your employer?
Consider this: At one time, only seniors had to live on a fixed income.
But even as the price of everything is going up, when did you last celebrate increase?
Meanwhile, what is the CEO of your employer and his cronies taking home in their pay and bonuses?
More then likely, most of your health insurance, and the pay raise you never got.
Now, please tell Weird Wally again, how you are living the dream?
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
And Karl Rove is so much ahead of the rest of Republicans, that they will spot him a dime, but it will cost them several dollars!
And by the time the rest of us finally start to understand how cost-benefit analysis really works; Karl Rove will have already stolen our votes and moved on.
After all, neither the children or, grandchildren, of Bush, Cheney and Rove, will ever have to enlist in the military, just to get a collage education.
They have money, influence and, "other priorities," while the rest of us have shit!
Let's export a lot more of that kind of democracy around the world and pray that the rest of the world are as dumb as us.
What WW wants to know is: "Does 'Turd Blossom' (AKA Karl Rove) really have soul or, is he just faking it?"
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Friday, August 10, 2007
"When the power of love finally subdues the love of power, we shall all know peace."
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Hillbilly Hermit: "a long time ago, I worked for a lady named Debbie, within a government bureaucracy. The higher powers were engaged in a "revenge of the sith" type power struggle and I, a young Jedi, was doing my best to bring
order to a disintegrating universe. Debbie said: Bill, sometimes you
can't repair it. You have to let the system crumble, then rebuild."
This summer, I had my two grandsons for a visit. Both are being raised
in Republican households, and worse, neither gives even the slightest
damn about what's going on around them. There is nothing... NOTHING
more important than their PSP, or their next spending spree. They're
not what I'd call "bad kids." It's just that for them, there is no
higher value than grandpa's wallet.
So as we watch Bush and company erode away all the dreams that once were
part of the "American dream", these kids do their part by "spending in
the face of 9/11"
Maybe we do need to just allow things to crumble.
And how was your summer family experience?
Hillbilly Hermit
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 1:41am BST 09/08/2007
The Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the United States, hinting that it may liquidate its vast holding of US treasuries if Washington imposes trade sanctions to force a yuan revaluation.
# Blog - Dollar to collapse?
Fistful of dollars - China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales
Fistful of dollars - China's trade surplus reached $26.9bn in June
Two officials at leading Communist Party bodies have given interviews in recent days warning - for the first time - that Beijing may use its $1.33 trillion (£658bn) of foreign reserves as a political weapon to counter pressure from the US Congress.
Shifts in Chinese policy are often announced through key think tanks and academies.
Described as China's "nuclear option" in the state media, such action could trigger a dollar crash at a time when the US currency is already breaking down through historic support levels.
It would also cause a spike in US bond yields, hammering the US housing market and perhaps tipping the economy into recession. It is estimated that China holds over $900bn in a mix of US bonds.
Xia Bin, finance chief at the Development Research Centre (which has cabinet rank), kicked off what now appears to be government policy with a comment last week that Beijing's foreign reserves should be used as a "bargaining chip" in talks with the US.
"Of course, China doesn't want any undesirable phenomenon in the global financial order," he added.
He Fan, an official at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, went even further today, letting it be known that Beijing had the power to set off a dollar collapse if it choose to do so.
"China has accumulated a large sum of US dollars. Such a big sum, of which a considerable portion is in US treasury bonds, contributes a great deal to maintaining the position of the dollar as a reserve currency. Russia, Switzerland, and several other countries have reduced the their dollar holdings.
"China is unlikely to follow suit as long as the yuan's exchange rate is stable against the dollar. The Chinese central bank will be forced to sell dollars once the yuan appreciated dramatically, which might lead to a mass depreciation of the dollar," he told China Daily.
The threats play into the presidential electoral campaign of Hillary Clinton, who has called for restrictive legislation to prevent America being "held hostage to economic decicions being made in Beijing, Shanghai, or Tokyo".
She said foreign control over 44pc of the US national debt had left America acutely vulnerable.
Simon Derrick, a currency strategist at the Bank of New York Mellon, said the comments were a message to the US Senate as Capitol Hill prepares legislation for the Autumn session.
"The words are alarming and unambiguous. This carries a clear political threat and could have very serious consequences at a time when the credit markets are already afraid of contagion from the subprime troubles," he said.
A bill drafted by a group of US senators, and backed by the Senate Finance Committee, calls for trade tariffs against Chinese goods as retaliation for alleged currency manipulation.
The yuan has appreciated 9pc against the dollar over the last two years under a crawling peg but it has failed to halt the rise of China's trade surplus, which reached $26.9bn in June.
Henry Paulson, the US Tresury Secretary, said any such sanctions would undermine American authority and "could trigger a global cycle of protectionist legislation".
Mr Paulson is a China expert from his days as head of Goldman Sachs. He has opted for a softer form of diplomacy, but appeared to win few concession from Beijing on a unscheduled trip to China last week aimed at calming the water
And as a Result of the Greed to Privatize...
The greedy start to screw themselves; one slow step at a time.
Treasuries Fall the Most in More Than Month on Stocks, Auction
By Deborah Finestone and Sandra Hernandez
Aug. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Treasuries fell the most in more than a month as a rally in global stocks drew demand away from government debt after the Federal Reserve said yesterday the U.S. economy is likely to weather a housing slowdown.
A decline in 10-year notes pushed yields to the highest in almost two weeks after the government's auction of $13 billion in the securities today drew a higher yield than dealers expected. Trading in credit-default swaps showed the risk of owning corporate bonds dropped.
``The rally in the stock market is taking away demand for government debt,'' said Andy Richman, who oversees $10 billion in fixed-income assets as a strategist in West Palm Beach, Florida, for SunTrust Bank's personal asset-management division. ``People are taking money out of Treasuries and putting it into corporate debt as the economy is not going down the chute.''
The yield of the existing 10-year note rose almost 8 basis points, or 0.08 percentage point, to 4.86 percent at 4:15 p.m. in New York, according to bond broker Cantor Fitzgerald LP. It touched 4.89 percent, the highest since July 26. The price of the 4 1/2 percent security due in May 2017 fell 18/32, or $5.63 per $1,000 face amount, to 97 7/32.
Two-year note yields, which are more sensitive to changes in monetary policy than longer-maturity debt, rose 6 basis points to 4.64 percent as investors pared bets on a cut in borrowing costs.
The government's auction of 10-year notes drew a yield of 4.855 percent, higher than the average forecast of 4.841 percent from 11 bond-trading firms surveyed by Bloomberg News.
Indirect bidders, a class that includes foreign central banks, bought 32.1 percent of the auction. In the last eight new 10-year note auctions of the same amount, they bought 39.1 percent on average.
Auction Demand
For every $1 sold, there was $2.30 worth of bids, the same as for the last new auction of the notes. The bid-to-cover ratio, which gauges demand by comparing total bids with the amount of securities offered for sale, has averaged $2.35 in the last eight new 10-year note auctions.
Demand for government debt waned as stocks staged a recovery after the Fed's rate-setting committee said in a statement yesterday that job growth and a ``robust global economy'' may help the U.S. withstand losses in subprime mortgages.
U.S. stocks rose today a third straight day, with the Standard & Poor's 500 Index advancing 1.4 percent and the Dow Jones Industrial Average increasing 1.1 percent.
Credit-default swaps on the CDX North American Investment- Grade Index, a benchmark for the cost of protecting bonds against default, dropped as much as 9.25 basis points to 62.75 basis points, the lowest in more than a week. A decrease indicates improving perceptions of credit quality.
`Bit of Stabilization'
``We've seen a bit of stabilization that people were looking for in credit markets, which translates into an unwinding of the risk-aversion rally in Treasuries,'' said Joseph di Censo, fixed-income strategist in New York at Lehman Brothers Inc., one of 21 primary dealers required to bid on the auctions.
The Fed has kept its overnight rate for loans between banks at 5.25 percent since June 2006, when policy makers completed 17 quarter percentage point increases.
Trading on the November fed funds futures contract indicate traders see a 46 percent chance policy makers will lower the key rate to 5 percent in October, down from 84 percent on Aug. 6.
Economists forecast the 10-year note yield will rise to 4.96 percent this quarter and 5.01 percent by year-end, a Bloomberg News survey shows. The most recent forecasts are given the heaviest weightings.
Fannie Mae
Treasuries remained lower after U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson said the government may raise the limit on purchases of home loans by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the largest sources of money for home loans, in order to increase liquidity in the mortgage market.
President George W. Bush told reporters that his priority is ensuring that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac complete their overhaul following $11.3 billion in accounting errors. Bush didn't reject the idea of raising the limits on how much the companies can buy.
Treasuries fell earlier on a report in the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph that China, the second-largest foreign holder of U.S. government debt with $407 billion, is prepared to sell its holdings in the event of U.S.-imposed trade sanctions. Japan owns $615 billion of Treasuries.
China suggested it will sell holdings of Treasuries should the U.S. impose trade sanctions to force a yuan revaluation, reported the Telegraph, citing He Fan, an official at the government-backed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Xia Bin, director of the financial research department of the State Council, or cabinet. Calls by Bloomberg News to a press official at China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange weren't answered.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in an interview with CNBC that it would be ``absurd'' to think China would sell the bonds.
To contact the reporters on this story: Deborah Finestone in New York at dfinestone@bloomberg.net ; Sandra Hernandez in New York at shernandez4@bloomberg.net .
Last Updated: August 8, 2007 16:20 EDT![]() | ![]() |
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Monday, August 06, 2007
Can Anybody Help Weird Wally Out, Here?
Weird Wally and a whole bunch of other Americans voted in a Democratic Congress and Senate, only to learn that we may as well have voted Republican, cuz nothing is changing. We’re still in Iraq with no withdrawal date, Obama wants to invade Pakistan, Democrats caved in and voted their confidence in Attorney General Gonzales when they approved a bill giving the President and Attorney General the power spy on anyone they choose.
And yes, this means spying on Democrats who might really oppose the neocon (neo-con) agenda.
Granted, Democrats are holding Hearings in Washington and although they are finding many reasons to impeach Bush/Cheney and Gonzo, Democrats are treading lightly.
Too Fucking Lightly, in the opinion of Weird Wally and Friends!!!
Trust me,
Weird Wally
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Hints: Played by Larry Linville, this army doctor looked down his nose because he felt morally superior to his fellow troops and cheated on his wife daily. He was into money and during the Korean war, thought that the poor should either get rich or stop taking up space on this planet.
Answer: Maj. Frank Burns, of MASH 4077. In a television series of the same name, the young army doctor stumbles and fumbles his way through the Korean War while assigned to an army field hospital. Since departing the MASH Unit, not much has been heard of Maj. Frank Burns. But recent rumours have surfaced that he singed onto the Bush Administration as a high ranking official in the Health and Human Services Administration, sometime around 2003.
Back in the 70s, Maj. Frank Burns was funny.
But thirty years later, Maj. Frank Burns, finally has his command and control.
How do you like it?
How did it happen?
Trust me,
Weird Wally